C R O S S  -  C U L T U R A L    B U S I N E S S
T R A I N I N G    A N D    C O N S U L T I N G

Our Values

  • We Place Our Clients’ Best Interests Above All Others

    Your immediate and long-term success is our Number One priority.  We focus on tangible results.  The value of all our services is measured strictly on a return-on-investment basis for you as the client.
  • We Will First Seek to Understand

    Initially and throughout any of our engagements, we will actively listen to you and your employees.  We will ask many questions and seek to truly understand the challenges you are facing.
  • We Promote Honest and Open Commu­nication

    Internally and externally, we encourage creativity, diversity of ideas, candid feedback, and productive dispute in the spirit of striving to find the best solution.  We will be honest with all our clients about the benefits and results of our services.  Should we find ourselves unable to meet your needs, we will openly acknowledge it.
  • We Personify Professional and Ethical Conduct

    Before accepting any engage­ment, we will ensure a mutual under­standing of objectives, scope, work plan, and fee arrangements.  We will uphold the spirit as well as the letter of the contract.  We will withdraw from an engagement if our objec­tivity or integrity may be impaired.  We will treat all client information that is not public knowledge as strictly confidential, and never take any unfair advantage of proprietary information.
  • We Respect Every Individual and Value Passion

    The success of our engage­ments is driven by the contributions and passion of every single person involved.  We recognize and value that fact.  We are passionate about what we do and will help you identify and leverage your team’s passions, too.
Confidentiality Matters
In some cases, our work with you may require giving us access to confidential information.  This could be the case when preparing for a cross-cultural negotia­tion, discussing an upcoming inter­national merger, or similar.
We want you to know that we will never use any such information for any other purpose than that for which you intended it.  We will treat all client information that is not public knowledge as strictly confi­dential and will never take any unfair advantage of proprietary or privileged information.  To the best of our ability, we will also prevent your confidential information from being accessed by any other party.
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