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Country-Specific Information
CIA - The World Factbook. A wealth of facts about just about any country on the planet.
International Business Etiquette. A collection of more than 30 links to sites that discuss business etiquette around the world.
Executive Planet. Introductions to business do's and don'ts in more than 40 countries. Includes valuable facts about negotiation techniques and practices for each of the countries.
Library of Congress: Federal Research Division. On-line versions of books published by the FRD about more than 100 countries.
U.S. Census Bureau: International Data Base. Demographic and socio-economic data for more than 220 countries.
The World Bank - Data by Country. Population data, economy facts and technology information for numerous countries and regions/groups of countries.
Doing Business in the European Union. This site holds just about everything there is to know about the EU, including comprehensive information on each of the EU commission's activity areas.
The World Bank. How-to information about conducting international business with World Bank support.
World Chambers Network. Directory of Chambers of Commerce in the U.S. and Canada.
Global Outsourcing
Outsourcing Center. Comprehensive site with broad news service and a wealth of background and research information. Some of the information is commercial, but much of it is free.
Council On Foreign Relations. Reflects the current debate over job outsourcing in the U.S.
CIO Magazine - Outsourcing. Comprehensive collection of news and white papers on outsourcing in the IT world.
Other Information & Services
Archer Targeted Communication. Translation services, as well as writing, editing, and media services for businesses and nonprofits.
Babylon Translation Software. One-click translation software with results from over 1,300 dictionary and translation sources in more than 75 languages.
Translation Services. Net-Translators Ltd is a leading provider of Translation and Localization services into over 40 languages. And specialize in technical translation services including software localization, Internationalization (I18N), medical translation in its varied formats, Marketing collateral translation and website translation services.
Teaching English Abroad. Teaches English as a Second Language abroad.
Armchair World. World traveler site with a wealth of information and links.
Intercultural Press. Presents an extensive selection of books on cross-cultural subjects.