In Focus:  Global Virtual Teams

Things have changed at the workplace. Many of us remember the days when working at a company commonly meant working at the place where our co-workers also worked. It used to be that Joe, whose office was two floors up in IT support, was the most ‘remote’ person you ever had to deal with, maybe with the exception of that district sales rep living an hour away, whom you sometimes had to call.

No more. Nowadays, it is the norm for professionals to work with colleagues who could be anywhere in the world. Except for using the same language (more or less), many of today’s work teams are mind-bogglingly diverse, with team members on several con- tinents, some working from home and others working at corporate offices, some working for the same company and others working for subcontractors or as freelancers.

Let’s define Virtual Teaming as working with a geographically distributed, but otherwise fairly homogeneous, team whose mem- bers rarely or never meet face-to-face. As anyone who’s ever tried knows, achieving strong work results in such a setting is hard. Adding ‘Global’ to the mix makes it even harder, given the whole new set of challenges that aspects such as language barriers, distance, time zones, and cultural differences present. Companies are getting better at creating the right virtual work environment and providing useful communication and collaboration tools. Never- theless, being in charge of a Global Virtual Team (GVT) requires a rare combination of talents: great leadership skills and the ability to manage high degrees of complexity. Here are a few sugges- tions that may help you master this challenge:

Create a Sense of One Team

The greatest challenge in virtual collaboration is establishing a common purpose and vision across the team. Your GVT will be ineffective, unless each of its members understand the ‘why, what and how’ of the team’s charter and objectives. Moreover, you need to work hard to ensure that every individual member and every sub-team see themselves as a part of the bigger structure. Create a team website with everyone’s pictures and bios, explore cultural differences jointly and in ways that promote mutual understanding, promote regular individual and sub-team communication, hold fre- quent ‘virtual celebrations’ highlighting everybody’s contributions – do whatever it takes to establish a sense of ‘one-ness’ across your whole team.

Keep It Simple

Before assigning roles and responsibilities, analyze the geographic and cultural borders you are dealing with. Then, look for ways that avoid crossing them any more than necessary. If you can, divide team projects in ways that minimize the complexity of the job by assigning tasks to co-located sub-teams, to people working in the same geographic region or to team members with a similar cultural background. That way, you are reducing the need for your team members to work across any of the barriers that complicate long-distance cross-cultural collabora- tion.

Share the Pain

Working across large geographic distances and different time zones is tough on everyone. Make sure it is not tougher for some on your team than it is for others. For example, vary the times of required team conference calls to ensure that it is not always the same individual or group having to work very late or get up very early. It is essential that all team members view the arrangement as fair.

Leverage Technology, But Don’t Rely On It

Sharepoint servers, video conferences, team blogs, wikis and the plethora of other virtual collaboration tools that are available today can be a godsend. They promote greater clarity of communication and facilitate asynchronous exchanges far better than email ever could. However, as a global virtual team leader, you’ll need to consider the implications and limitations of these tools. Some messages are preferably delivered person-to-person and could be stifled by a person-to-machine-to-machine-to-person link. Through asynchronous communication, you’re not likely to learn about that little gotcha caused by a team member in India, or that quarrel between two key employees in Denmark, though both might affect the whole team. Some conversations require a level of trust and comfort that only exists when talking face-to-face or, at best, over the phone. As a GVT leader, it is up to you to enable and promote open and trusting communication – so use technology only for what it’s good for.

This article is also available in PDF format  (requires Adobe Reader ).

Book Of The Month
Where in the World
Is My Team?


An entertaining story pre- senting the challenges and struggles of working in a virtual multi-cultural team environ- ment.

(click title for full book review)


Web Site Of The Month


Business guides and a wealth of other information for thirteen countries in Southern and Eastern Asia.

(click title to visit this web site)


Quote Of The Month

Wit lies in recognizing
the resemblance among things which differ
and the difference between things which are alike

Madame de Stael


All of the 50 individual Country Sections from Negotiating International Business are available online  for free.

Click here to download Country Section PDF files


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  • Negotiation Training and Assistance
  • Cross-Cultural Project Management
  • Organizational Learning and Development
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Upcoming Workshop at UTD in Richardson, TX:
June 1-3 Managing International Projects

This three-day workshop is facilitated by
Dr. Sue Freedman and Lothar Katz.

Lothar Katz is the founder of Leadership Crossroads.  He has a wealth of experience in achieving productive coopera- tion across cultures and driving business success on a global scale.
A seasoned former executive of a For­tune 500 company, he regularly interacted with employees, cus­tomers, out- sourcing partners, and third parties in more than 25 countries around the world.

Contact :
Leadership CrossroadsTM, 2009

Global Business Practices:
Ten Tips for Doing Business in Vietnam

  • Vietnamese hierarchies can be very formal and managers are often quite authoritarian. Status and age matter - a lot.
  • Realize that negotiations may take a long time. Spend significant efforts to build relationships first.
  • The Vietnamese are very family-oriented.  "Is everyone well in your family?" is a good conversation opener.
  • Don't touch others except for handshakes, which are common only between members of the same gender.
  • Do not cross your arms over the chest as this may be read as overly aggressive.
  • Saving face, ie, talking and behaving in ways that make everyone look good, is very important in everything you do.
  • Negative replies are impolite.  Instead, say "maybe",
    "we will consider it", or the like.
  • Silence usually indicates that there is a problem or that a counterpart took offense.
  • While more and more Vietnamese are learning English, their command of the language is often poor. Slow down and speak in simple, short sentences.
  • Assuming that people sharing the same last name are related would be naive. About 40 percent of the Vietnamese population share the family name of 'Nguyen', pronounced 'wen' or 'win'.

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